Dubai Airspace expansion allowed carriers to save over $14m

The Dubai airspace restructuring project, which was implemented last year, enabled carriers flying from Dubai International Airport to save a total of Dh53 million ($14.4 million) from their budgets.

The Dubai airspace restructuring project, which was implemented last year, enabled carriers flying from Dubai International Airport to save a total of Dh53 million ($14.4 million) from their budgets.

The project yielded astounding results as it brought about a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, as well as enhanced air traffic movements capacity for Dubai and the Northern Emirates with up to 25 per cent at Dubai International Airport (DXB) and 100 per cent at Al Maktoum International Airport (DWC). This, in turn, resulted in terminating hold up for airlines on arrival that used to occur in the past due to congested skies.

Figures released by Dubai Air Navigation Services (Dans) showed that air traffic control officers managed over 500,000 air traffic movements in Dubai’s airspace throughout 2017 — including both civilian and military aircraft.

From those figures, more than 400,000 movements occurred at both Dubai International and Al Maktoum International airports in specific. This comprised of a total of 205,131 movements in landing and 205,093 movements in departures, recording a daily average of 1,134 movements during the year. And on the other hand, the remaining movements were directed to Sharjah International airport and other airports in the Northern Emirates.

Whereas Air Traffic Control Officers operating from Al Maktoum International Airport (DWC) managed a total of 34,234 air traffic movements throughout 2017.

Based on reports issued by the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, sector indicators reveal that air traffic control officers are forecasted to navigate and manage more than 600,000 air traffic movements in Dubai’s Airspace by 2020.

This will come as a result of the full completion of the final phases of the airspace restructuring and expansion, and as demand on international travel increases through Dubai International Airport, enabling it to withstand its strong position of being the World’s leading airport in terms of international passenger figures.

Operationally, Dans has invested Dh60 million ($16.3 million) in the three strategic projects to further enhance Dubai Airports' capability to cater to the continuous growth in air traffic movements capacity.

“We have been able to reach new frontiers in accordance to the vision of HRH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum due to the everlasting support and guidance we receive from Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, which has supported our journey in growing and moving forward to dominate global standards," said Mohammed A. Ahli, director general of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority and the CEO of Dubai Air Navigation Services.

Ahli also stated that innovation and sustainability were the key pillars utilised while designing the road map of the aviation sector, which aims at positioning Dubai International Airport at the forefront of all global airports in terms of international passenger figures, through delivering an enjoyable travel experience that leaves a positive mark, as well as the adaptation of technology to serve our ambitions that exceed beyond the sky. - TradeArabia News Service
