During the day guests have the chance to partake in a varied programme of yoga, art and exercise classes, followed by guided meditation in the Sweat Tent
An hour's drive from Dubai, Alma is the perfect get away for those seeking detox, creativeness, and a chance to switch off through the perfect four-day retreat, created to inspire a healthier body and happier mind.
Back by popular customer demand, the retreat in Ras Al Khaimah, which opened for weekend bookings in 2017, has returned with longer stays, a new healthy menu, extra facilities, and an enhanced set of fitness, creative and mindfulness programmes designed to nourish the mind, body and heart. Drawing on customer feedback from the first season, all scheduled activities have been refined by the team of local and international Alma instructors. Grounded in the 'nature gym' concept, mornings begin with sunrise meditation and a walk through the sand dunes, and conclude with stargazing around a bonfire. During the day guests have the chance to partake in a varied programme of yoga, art and exercise classes, followed by guided meditation in the aromatic Sweat Tent. The 2018 season schedule also features a daily team fitness game to foster a sense of fun and community amongst guests – who often arrive solo. At all times, however, the expert instructors remain conscious of individual needs and guests are encouraged to start each retreat with a short 1:1 session, to understand their wellbeing ambitions and ensure these are met during their stay. "We are delighted to welcome returning and new customers this season", said Sarah Arnold, Founder and CEO of Alma. "Alma means 'soul' in Portuguese and Spanish, and this is what the camp should be – a small haven of nature, fun and relaxation, away from the frantic pace of tech-filled, modern life.” This level of customer focus is possible due to the fact that Alma accepts a maximum of 30 visitors in each camp. Unlike typical health clubs, gyms or wellness centres, the retreat concentrates on offering an intimate and uplifting atmosphere.