Dubai ranks first as favourite destination in TikTok study

Dubai ranks first in a TikTok study on favourite destinations for 2023, according to travel and luggage experts at Bounce, a leading luggage storage app.

Dubai ranks first in a TikTok study on favourite destinations for 2023, according to travel and luggage experts at Bounce, a leading luggage storage app.

Bounce analysed the view counts of popular travel destination hashtags to reveal the most popular destinations on TikTok, as well the biggest influencers on the app and their earnings.

1. Dubai - United Arab Emirates | #Dubai: 140.4 billion views
If you like a vacation with golden beaches, futuristic architecture, and traditional Arabic culture, then Dubai is the place for you. Dubai continues to top the list of TikTok’s hottest travel destinations for the second year, with TikTok videos using #Dubai having increased by 72%.

2. New York City - US | #NYC: 101.8 billion views
New York City is the heart of diverse cultures, a bustling centre, and world-class shows. It’s no surprise to see New York City maintaining its spot from last year’s study as the second-most popular TikTok travel hotspot. Rising in popularity, views for TikTok videos using the hashtag #NYC have increased by 71% since last year’s study when we recorded the total views as 59.5 billion.

3. London - UK | #London: 72.8 billion views
Rounding off our top three hottest travel spots according to TikTok, London proves its popularity isn’t going anywhere fast. The city is home to unmatched nightlife, natural spaces, and a myriad of traditional British pubs. Views for TikTok videos tagged with #London have increased by 98% from 36.8 billion since our study last year.

Further study insights:

•    Alex Ojeda is TikTok’s favourite travel blogger, with 8.3 million followers and potential earnings of up to £7,708.
•    The US tops the list of TikTok’s favourite countries to travel to, with over 357.4 billion views. – TradeArabia News Service
