Saudi Arabia, Oman discuss joint tourism programs

Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Tourism Ahmed Al-Khateeb recently met with the Omani Minister of Heritage and Tourism, Salem bin Mohammed Al-Mahrouqi to discuss the encouragement of all sectors, including tourism.
Ahmed Al-Khateeb

Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Tourism Ahmed Al-Khateeb recently met with the Omani Minister of Heritage and Tourism, Salem bin Mohammed Al-Mahrouqi to discuss the encouragement of all sectors, including tourism.

During Al-Khateeb’s visit to Oman, a number of joint tourism initiatives and programs were launched, reported Emirates News Agency WAM.

The initiatives were  at attracting international tourists and citizens and residents of the GCC countries, under the umbrella of the Gulf Tourism Strategy 2023-2030, which was approved by the leaders of the GCC countries during last December.
