Saudi welcomes US, UK, Schengen visa holders

Saudi Arabia has announced that visitors with an entry visa to the US, the UK or a European (Schengen) visa can enter the Kingdom and obtain a visa on arrival at airports and other ports.
Wadi Namar near Riyadh...a tourist attraction

Saudi Arabia has announced that visitors with an entry visa to the US, the UK or a European (Schengen) visa can enter the Kingdom and obtain a visa on arrival at airports and other ports.
A source in the General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage said that the announcement is a continuation of the tourist visa programme launched by the Kingdom, a Saudi Press Agency report said.
The source added that there is an existing committee chaired by the chairman of the General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage, Ahmed bin Aqeel Al-Khatib, working to define the goals and the mechanism for applying the structure of the visitor visas.
The source said that those who obtain a tourist or commercial visa to the countries mentioned above can now enter the Kingdom and obtain a tourist visa on arrival. However, they are not included the electronic visa system. 
However, the visitor must have used his visa to visit the US, UK, or any of the Schengen countries, before entering the kingdom.
